
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Virus immunity-boosting tips

My tips for making yourself virtually immune to viruses include:

  1. Alkaline water. Did you know that during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, people drank water mixed with baking soda. Today, we can simply buy alkaline water or an alkaline water machine. Contact me for a 10%+ discount on an AlkaViva machine. [Source1Source2]
  2. Supplements. ElderberryColostrumTurmericAstragalusGrapefruit Seed Extract, and liquid probiotics are my favorite 1st line of defense.
  3. Sauna or Steam. Especially infrared sauna, at least 1x per day beginning upon the earlier of exposure or 1st sign of mild symptoms.
  4. Physical exercise, especially in sunlight, to get the cardiovascular system working hard - but not too hard.
  5. Aspirin. But do not take ibuprofen or Tylenol!
  6. Of course, a gram of prevention = a kilo of cure! So, PLEASE wear a face mask!
  7. Also use non-toxic hand sanitizer (lavenderpeppermint) - beware of toxic hand sanitizers w deadly ingredients!

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