
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Virus immunity-boosting tips

My tips for making yourself virtually immune to viruses include:

  1. Alkaline water. Did you know that during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, people drank water mixed with baking soda. Today, we can simply buy alkaline water or an alkaline water machine. Contact me for a 10%+ discount on an AlkaViva machine. [Source1Source2]
  2. Supplements. ElderberryColostrumTurmericAstragalusGrapefruit Seed Extract, and liquid probiotics are my favorite 1st line of defense.
  3. Sauna or Steam. Especially infrared sauna, at least 1x per day beginning upon the earlier of exposure or 1st sign of mild symptoms.
  4. Physical exercise, especially in sunlight, to get the cardiovascular system working hard - but not too hard.
  5. Aspirin. But do not take ibuprofen or Tylenol!
  6. Of course, a gram of prevention = a kilo of cure! So, PLEASE wear a face mask!
  7. Also use non-toxic hand sanitizer (lavenderpeppermint) - beware of toxic hand sanitizers w deadly ingredients!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Wellness tips that work for me

Eat good fats! Eat fat to get thin. Avoid low-fat and non-fat. The body needs good fat, so if I avoid fat I force my body into a fat-storing mode and start to increase my waistline. So, I eat whole-fat yogurt (with no artificial sweeteners and low sugar), whole milk, meat with fat (not too lean!), and lots of avocados (guac, baby!), nuts, and healthy oils (olive oil, peanut, sunflower, avocado, and coconut oils).

Sleep! I average 7-8 hours per night. Yes, I’m super busy. Yes, I’ve made millions of dollars in my lifetime. But that doesn’t mean I’m a machine & neglect my body. I strive for balance, and that includes allocating time for adequate sleep. It helps my body burn fat, restores my spirit & soul, and keeps me super productive with high energy each day.

Exercise! No surprise here. I find that #HIIT (High-Intensity Intermittent Training), ninja warrior, parkour, sprint/walk (this applies to running, swimming, biking, etc.), and similar exercise works much better for me than endurance exercise (like long-distance or long-duration exercise). 

Yoga – 26 years and counting (since 1991) at least once a week but usually 2x per week. I can’t recommend this too strongly. It keeps my body strong (especially my core and my joints), flexible and healthy, as well as providing de-toxifying benefits to my organs.

High protein, low carbs. I find that bread and other starchy foods (pasta, rice, etc.) go right to my waistline. So, I severely restrict starchy carbs and limit my carbs to mostly just vegetables and some fresh fruit. I eat mostly eggs, nuts, avocados, meats (lots of fish – but I avoid farm-raised salmon due to the high toxicity) and peanut butter. Lots of peanut butter.

Alkaline water – we have a machine at home & I strongly recommend you drink a lot of alkaline water. Do some research on it. I drink a full glass of water every morning before anything else touches my stomach, sometimes with some fresh lemon juice squeezed in. This kick-starts my day and I don’t need coffee and don't eat as much for breakfast.

Fast – I wait as long as I can between meals, helping my body burn fat by fasting a bit. Usually, I only eat 2 high protein, high good fat (nuts, seeds, beans, avocado, oils, meats), and low carb meals per day.

Organic!! I have been eating almost exclusively organic foods since 1986 when my mom taught me thru her actions how important the avoidance of toxins is in foods. America uses more pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides per capita than any other country by a HUGE margin. We’re slowly killing ourselves. Eat organic. Duh.

Massage – I get bodywork about every 3-4 weeks. It helps me detox and keeps my tissues young & supple. Health is about assimilation & elimination. The body can assimilate foods that are not processed and don’t contain chemicals or additives. Read the ingredients of everything you buy: if you can’t pronounce something or don’t recognize it, don’t put it in your body! Some toxins are inevitable, so for me, massage helps me rid my body of this crap.

Toxin avoidance. As hard as I try to avoid toxins, they are everywhere: in our air, water, and food. The body has evolved to protect itself from anything unknown that we ingest by wrapping it up with fat molecules (to shield the body from the unknown particle(s)). So, the more toxins you eat or drink (like Splenda / Sucralose/ High Fructose Corn Syrup or other artificial sweeteners) the fatter you get because the body has to wrap up those nasties with protective fat. I’m no doctor, I just know what happens with my own body & I’ve done a ton of research and tried lots of different things. This is another reason I’m so passionate about wind, solar & other clean energy sources: over 80% of the mercury in our air & water comes from coal plants, along with lead, arsenic, cadmium, and lots of other nasty stuff.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

When you sleep affects mental health dramatically

Troy resting
Living organisms are governed by an internal biological clock known as the circadian rhythm, and as the Earth rotates every 24 hours, this clock aligns with the cycle of day and night. In a new study, scientists reveal that this process has a strong link to mental health. There’s a larger chunk of the genome dedicated to body clocks than previously realized, and those genes are linked to others that determine a person’s overall state of well-being. In the paper, released Tuesday in Nature Communications, medical researchers explain that being a “morning person” or “evening person” is a behavioral consequence of a person’s underlying circadian rhythm, which is shaped by their genes. Some genes, they found, can even shift a person’s natural waking time by up to 25 minutes. In the study, they investigated whether these “chronotype” genes were associated with any genes related to mental health. They found that people who tend to wake up earlier are more likely to experience a greater sense of well-being and a lower risk of schizophrenia and depression.